Brian Funk

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VINYL Ableton Live Pack

Ableton Live Pack

Synths that sound like they came straight from a vinyl record. 50 Ableton Live Instruments created from samples of instruments recorded from vinyl records. These instruments cover a wide range of sounds from leads, keys, pads, special fx, and percussion. All retain the warmth, character, and crackle of old vinyl records.

Have you ever wished you could have synthesizers that sound like they were coming straight off a vinyl record? I have too. That's why I made VINYL.

I went through my collection of vinyl records and started recording isolated notes from a wide variety of instruments. From there, I brought those samples into Ableton Live's Sampler and started experimenting. 

Synths That Sound Like They Are Coming Straight From An Old Vinyl Record

The result is this huge collection of 50 Instrument Racks covering a wide range of sounds, which can be used as pads, keys, leads, percussion, and special fx. What they all have in common is the characteristics of old vinyl records. Each sound has warmth, crackle, and charm of those old albums. 

Every instrument has its own set of Macros. They vary by instrument. I decided to choose controls for each instrument depending on what served the sound best. This means you have the ability to control and tune each sound to fit your productions. 

Here's a full walkthrough of the collection. It will give you a pretty good idea of what VINYL sounds like. Enjoy!

Ableton Live Pack

Synths that sound like they came straight from a vinyl record. 50 Ableton Live Instruments created from samples of instruments recorded from vinyl records. These instruments cover a wide range of sounds from leads, keys, pads, special fx, and percussion. All retain the warmth, character, and crackle of old vinyl records.

VINYL in Action...

Here's music made with the sounds from VINYL.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

More VINYL Videos...

VINYL is a combination of two collection of instruments released for the AfroDJMac Music Production Club, the "Pacific Vinyl Synths" and the "Americana Vinyl Synths." Check out the videos for each individual collection that make up VINYL.