Free Module for LK - iPad Ableton Live Controller

Imaginando is offering a great deal exclusively for members of the ADM Music Production Club!

LK is an excellent Ableton Live Controller for iOS and Android Tablets. You will receive access to the Matrix Module, which can be used to launch clips, edit MIDI, mix tracks, and control Live's devices, straight from your tablet.

How to Claim:

Send an email, with the subject "ADM MPC", to . In the email give the password "FREEMATRIX" . Imaginando will send you an email with instructions on how to unlock your free Matrix Module inside of the LK app.

The Matrix Module normally sells as an in-app-purchase for $10. It's a great deal on a great controller!

Download LK for your Tablet.


Enjoy and thanks for being part of the AfroDJMac Music Production Club! 

