Brian Funk

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Dirty Trumpet by JM-DG [Free Weekly Ableton Rack #30]

This weeks free Ableton Live racks come from reader JM-DG.  Over the last few months JM-DG has sent me a couple tracks made with various AfroDJMac racks, and he recently stepped it up with an offering of his own.  Created with an old trumpet that almost landed in the trash, JM-DG brings us an instrument with lots of warmth and character.  Not always perfectly in tune but packed with plenty of charm, this trumpet is sure to add a bit of life into your music.  I've taken what he sent me and added a couple of little touches and effects, as well as adjusting the tuning to make it a bit more playable.  As an extra bonus, I took the drums from JM-DG's demo song and chopped them up into its own instrument rack.  So you get a unique trumpet sound as well as a drum kit to play around with.  Make sure you stop by JM-DG's site and say thanks!


Here's a track created by 81Neutronz using the AfroDJMac Nintendo Rack, enjoy!


See this gallery in the original post