Holiday Sale at the AfroDJMac Store up to 50% off!


Ladies and Gentlemen, to celebrate the holidays, I am offering my premium racks at a special discount, up to %50 off.  The sale will run until January 1st, so act now and cozy up with some fun  and exciting Ableton Live Packs by AfroDJMac :)  These are some of my finest and most intricate racks, created with some fun synths.  Lots of sound design potential and features that are impossible on the original synths.  Enjoy and thanks for you support!

Value Pack:  All 3 Premium Racks!

OP-1 Ableton Live Pack:  Created using custom programmed patches on Teenage Engineering's OP-1

Teenage Engineering OP-1 Ableton Live Pack

The OP-1 is a super diverse and unique sounding instrument. This Ableton Live Pack contains multiple presets that you can cycle through. While sampling, the instrument was tweaked, to add to movement and life to the sounds.  1 rack, multiple presets, endless capabilities.

-1 Multi Layered Ableton Live Instrument Rack
*Requires Live 8 or higher

Full Details Here

Casio VL-1 Ableton Live Pack:  Created by sampling each preset on the Classic VL-1 Synthesizer

Casio VL-1 Ableton Live Rack

The Casio VL-1 is a classic toy synthesizer. Super LoFi and very charming.  Each sound (guitar, flute, fantasy, piano, violin, ADSR) has been sampled and rendered into an Ableton Live Instrument Rack. Tasteful effects have been added so that you can morph each sound into something new. A must have!  

*Requires Live 8 and higher

Read the Full Details

Casio RapMan Ableton Live Pack: Created by sampling all the persists on the Casio RapMan!

Casio RapMan Ableton Live Pack

This collection of Ableton Instrument Racks was created with the Casio RapMan. If you need the sound of a toy keyboard in your productions, this will do the trick. Created in the days when Rap music was considered a fad, the Casio RapMan has lots of fun sounds for your exploration. Lofi and somewhat nostalgic, this pack will remind you of the days sitting on the shag carpet experimenting with music for the first time.

*Requires Live 8 or higher