iOS App of the Week #1: Sonic Logic

iOS App of the Week, New Column on

Over the last few years, I've gone through a ton of iPad and iPhone apps.  Some are great, some are a waste of your life.  I've got a running list of apps I recommend here, but I wanted to get into a little more detail.  So, I've decided to start a new column on my blog.  I'm going to try to make it roughly a weekly thing.  So, let's not waste any more time and introduce the very first app of the week, Sonic Logic!

Create Your Own Midi Controller Right on Your iPad!

If you have ever wanted to create your own midi controller from scratch, Sonic Logic may be your new best friend.  It is designed to let you quickly and easily create new midi controller layouts, all right on your iPad.  So if you have used other apps that involve an editor on your computer and sending your controllers to your iPad, testing those controllers, finding out something doesn't work right, and repeating the process until you don't even feel like making music anymore, check out Sonic Logic!

Great Development and User Support

One of the things I love about Sonic Logic, is the team behind it.  They are very interactive with their users.  They have a robust online presence and really listen to the community's requests.  Sonic Logic is not an app that will grow cobwebs and never be updated again.  At the present time, a new release is on the horizon that promises some amazing new features.  Check out their site and follow them on the various social networks.  This is a great app made by a great company!

Videos Straight from Sonic Logic




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