Brian Funk

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Live Lecture: Ableton Push 2 Drum Sequencing Workflows & Tips

Join me Monday, March 27th at 12pm PT for a live lecture for Ask.Audio called Ableton Push Drum Sequencing Workflows & Tips

During the lecture, I will show my workflow for creating beats that are exciting, dynamic, and feel realistic, all using Ableton Push 2. Viewers will be able to ask any questions they would like me to answer, for a full interactive experience.

Here's the copy for the lecture:

Ableton’s Push is a powerful device for sequencing drums. In this lecture we will cover the basics of drum sequencing, as well as some more advanced techniques and workflows for creating realistic and dynamic beats. We will discuss creating expressive drum sequences, programming automation, and other workflow tips that will help you make the most of Push.

My lecture on Push 2 Drum Sequencing is part of long line of live lecture series hosted by Ask.Audio. If you haven't seen these free lectures yet, you are missing out! 

Head over to Ask.Audio to sign up for the live lecture and view the schedule of upcoming events!