Birds of Prey - Free Ableton Live Pack #200
My neighborhood on the north shore of Long Island is home to diverse species of birds. Recently a pair of bald eagles began nesting in the area, and they have since raised 3 sets of eaglets to maturity. Red Tailed Hawk fill the air with their trademark screeching, and at night, you’ll hear, but almost never see, Great Horned Owls vocalizing their characteristic “whooo!”
As you may have guessed, I’ve been collecting samples of these majestic creatures, and today, I release a collection of instruments made from their calls.
Red Tailed Hawk
Bald Eagle
Great Horned Owl
The Birds of Prey Free Ableton Live Pack contains 7 melodic Instrument Racks and 1 percussive Drum Rack, all created from the samples of Hawks, Eagles, and Owls. You can “play” their calls in your own music. Check out the video below to hear the instruments in action.
Live Improvised Performance Using the Birds of Prey Sounds
On August 26th, I participated in an online open mic performance for the Muse Exchange, which is a local community of artists. I decided to set up some gear in my backyard, light up the tiki torches, and make some music with only the Birds of Prey instruments. Check out the video below to hear the performance.
Hear Birds of Prey in this track by Psychotronic Squirt Gun!
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