12 Hour Sound Machines with Brandon Reed - Music Production Podcast #330

Brandon Reed is the creator of the 12 Hour Sound Machine (No Loops or Fades!) Podcast. The show provides listeners with 12 hours of soothing sound to help people relax and sleep. Episodes feature 12 hour stretches of white, pink, and brown noise, as well as environmental sounds like babbling brooks and forests at night, and even more unusual sounds like popcorn popping and diesel engines. To date the show has been downloaded over 95 million times.

Brandon spoke about some of the technical aspects of how he produces 12 hours of non-looping audio, as well as the differences (with sound examples) between types of noise. We also discussed the emotional impact noise and ambient sounds have on us and how we can use noise to enhance the mood of our music.

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Show Notes:

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And don’t forget to visit my site https://BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

Brian Funk