Easy Volume Rider Free Ableton Live Pack #212

Easy Volume Rider
Ableton Live Pack

Simple One-Knob Audio Effect Rack for creating subtle changes in gain. Perfect for automating a track’s volume without using the volume fader.

Contains two versions: one for adding up 5db gain, another for adding or subtracting 5db gain.

*Requires Ableton Live 11.1 of Above

Easily Create Subtle Volume Changes and Automation

I created the Easy Volume Rider because I wanted a simple way to make subtle changes while mixing. When drawing in automation, it is difficult to make small adjustments because the possible range of values is from -infinity db to +6db. When fine tuning a sound, making a .5db change is nearly impossible without manually typing in the value.

This device has a limited range from 0db to 5db, which makes very small movements fast and easy. There’s also a version of the device that goes from -5db to 5db, in case you want a little more range.

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