Adam Rokhsar on AI, Randomness, and Max for Live - Music Production Club Live Class Music Production Club, TutorialsBrian FunkJuly 23, 2021music production club, sampler, drums, acoustic drums, adam rokhsar
Stimming on Creativity and Perfect Imperfections - Music Production Podcast #228 podcastBrian FunkJuly 22, 2021music production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, producer, musician, song writing, stimming
Fine Tuning Drum Recordings - Music Production Club Live Class Music Production Club, TutorialsBrian FunkJuly 19, 2021music production club, sampler, drums, acoustic drums
Django on Hybrid DJing and Producing for Radio: Music Production Podcast #227 podcastBrian FunkJuly 15, 2021music production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, producer, musician, song writing
Vianney of BLEASS Plug-ins on the Music Production Podcast #226 podcastBrian FunkJuly 9, 2021music production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, producer, musician, song writing
Cleaning Up Your Mix: Electric Bass Guitar TutorialsBrian FunkJuly 6, 2021cleaning mix, mixing, bass, bass guitar, electric bass, tutorial
Heymun on Trusting Your Heart: Music Production Podcast #225 podcastBrian FunkJuly 4, 2021music production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, producer, musician, song writing, heymun
Alberto Chapa - Ableton Certified Trainer: Music Production Podcast #224 podcastBrian FunkJune 29, 2021music production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, producer, musician, song writing
Sterling Styles on Mobile Recording - Music Production Podcast #223 podcastBrian FunkJune 27, 2021music production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, producer, musician, song writing, remote recording
Bobby Huff - Music Surgery with Dr Bob: Music Production Podcast #222 podcastBrian FunkJune 22, 2021music production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, producer, musician, song writing, bobby huff
Adding Detail and Emphasis to Your Music - Music Production Club Live Class Tutorials, Music Production ClubBrian FunkJune 22, 2021music production club, sampler, drums, acoustic drums
Wind Chimes Instruments for Ableton Live Beautiful and organic sounding Ableton Live collection of instruments made by sampling some high end wind chimes. Read More Ableton Pack, Ableton Pack PremiumBrian FunkJune 20, 2021Ableton Live, Ableton Live Pack, AfroDjMac, device racks, live, Samples, Sampling (music), Synthesizer, Wind chime