2 Minute Ableton Live Tip #20: Set BPM and Meter on Scene Launch
Set Meter and BPM when launching a scene in Ableton Live
This Thursday I am presenting at the Advanced Ableton Live User Meet Up. I will be discussing how to integrate live instruments and vocals into a live performance. I'll also show how you can effect, live loop and record your instruments on the fly. Check out my post over here, and I hope you can make it out! If not the live stream will be here. It's Thursday December 6th at 7pm EST.
So, this 2 minute Ableton Live tip will focus on live performance. The way I work, I have many songs, organized in clips, in one Live Set. Switching between them is as easy as clicking the scene button. However, this can be a problem when songs are at different tempos or in different meters. Fortunately, Ableton has made it easy to switch tempos and meters while changing scenes.
How to change the bpm in Ableton's session view:
To change tempo, be sure that your scene name contains the tempo, immediately followed by "bpm" (no spaces). To switch to 120 beats per minute, make sure that you have "120bpm" in the scene name.
How to change the meter in Ableton's session view:
To change meter, simple put the meter in the scene name. Having "6/8" in the scene name will change the meter to 6/8.
You will know when you've done it right, because the scene launch triangle will turn orange. Check out the video below for a quick walkthrough.