Brian Funk

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Quantize Mapper Fixed for Ableton Live 9! Free Ableton Live Pack #86

Control Ableton's Quantize Record and Global Launch Quantization with MIDI

A while back, Loudon Stearns and I created the Quantize Mapper.  It's a Max for Live device that allows you to MIDI map Ableton's Record Quantization and Global Launch Quantization values.  It's super handy for creating beats on the fly.  For instance, you can set Record Quantize to 1/4 notes and quickly record a 4 to the floor kick, switch it to 1/16 notes and add hi hats, switch it back to 1/8 notes for a shaker, so on and so forth.  Unfortunately with the release of Ableton Live 9 (or maybe Max 6) it stopped working properly.  Lots of people have been asking me about this for a few months now.  Well the day has come.  Loudon figured out a way to fix it and sent it over, and now I share it with you!  Check out the video below and if you would like more information about it, read the original post here.  Then download it and start making some epic jams :)

If you don't know of Loudon Stearns, he is really cool.  He is an Ableton Certified Trainer, teaches at Berklee School of Music, and has taught me a ton of cool tricks through his online tutorials.  I'm really thrilled to be able to speak with him and work with him.  He is the real brains behind this device; all I did was ask him if he could do it for me.  I'm sure we will have more collaborations in the future.  Check him out and spread the word about him to your fellow production friends.