Brian Funk

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Powerful New Ways to Interact with Your Ableton Live Clips

Isotonik Studios is on top of Max for Live device creation like no one else. Today I want to share a few things they've recently released that can really help improve your workflow.

Super Follow Actions with Modular Series 2

There's no doubt that Follow Actions can be a powerful tool in your bag of tricks, check out this tutorial on how I use them to create drum fills. There are a few limitations to Follow Actions however. Isotonik has smashed these limitations to bits with Follow, a device that is part of the super useful Modular Series 2. Now you'll have more power to determine what happens after a clip plays and additional control over when those actions happen. Check out this video below for a really cool demonstration using my Glitch FX Ableton Live Pack.

Edit Multiple MIDI Clips in One Window

The Chaos Culture MultiClip Editor allows you to view and edit multiple MIDI clips in one window. That means that you can see what is happening in a variety of MIDI clips at once and make editing decisions based on how your tracks are interacting. This will save you from bouncing back and forth between tracks, and allow you to visualize your editing much easier. This is one feature I've been longing for for quite some time! Watch it in action and head over to Isotonik Studios to pick it up!

Get Your Glitch On! 

Isotonik was very kind to use my Glitch FX Ableton Live Pack to demonstrate their Follow device. Together the two unlock new worlds of creative processing for your audio. Pick up the Glitch FX Ableton Live Pack and start destroying your tracks!