Fine Tuning Drum Recordings - Music Production Club Live Class Music Production Club, TutorialsBrian FunkJuly 19, 2021music production club, sampler, drums, acoustic drums
Adding Detail and Emphasis to Your Music - Music Production Club Live Class Tutorials, Music Production ClubBrian FunkJune 22, 2021music production club, sampler, drums, acoustic drums
Enhance Acoustic Drums with Samples - Music Production Club Live Class Tutorials, Music Production ClubBrian FunkMay 15, 2021music production club, sampler, drums, acoustic drums
Recording My Band Part 1 - Music Production Club Live Class Tutorials, Music Production ClubBrian FunkApril 29, 2021music production club, sampler
Electric Piano Ableton Live Pack Ableton Pack, Ableton Pack Premium, Music Production ClubBrian FunkApril 17, 2021ableton, live pack, electric piano, yamaha cp-35
Programming Non-Robotic, Human Drums- Music Production Club Live Class Tutorials, Music Production ClubBrian FunkMarch 20, 2021music production club, sampler
I HEART NY Compressor and DankVerb for Music Production Club Members Music Production ClubBrian FunkMarch 8, 2021music production club, baby audio, i heart ny, compressor
Building Instruments with Sampler - Music Production Club Live Class Tutorials, Music Production ClubBrian FunkFebruary 27, 2021music production club, sampler
Arrangement Templates - Use Popular Songs as a Guide to Structure Your Songs Ableton Pack, Ableton Pack Premium, Music Production ClubBrian FunkDecember 2, 2020Ableton, pack, arrangement
7 Ableton Live Packs Bonus Download for Music Production Club! Music Production ClubBrian FunkNovember 27, 2020music production club, imaginando, ableton, delay, plug-ins
Exploring and Making Music in Ableton Live 11 - Music Production Club Live Class Tutorials, Music Production ClubBrian FunkNovember 15, 2020ableton live, browser, workflow tips, tutorial
K7D Tape Delay Plug-in for the Music Production Club Music Production Club, TutorialsBrian FunkNovember 8, 2020music production club, imaginando, ableton, delay, plug-ins