#92: Huston Singletary - Ableton Content Creator; Singularities
#91: Claire Marie Lim: Electronic Digital Instruments and the Future of Music Education
#90: Evan Chandler aka Slynk
#89: Dan Giffin - Live Producers Online
#88: Vince Cimo, Creator of DataLooper, with Vir McCoy
#87: Neil "Nail" Alexander - Improvisation, Live Performance
podcastBrian Funkneil "nail" alexander, neil, nail, alexander, nail jung, jazz, music production, ableton live, music production podcast, moog
#86: Lessons From Ableton Loop
#85: Finding Your Sound - A Short Talk at Loop
#84: Budget Your Time Like Money - Reflect and Apply
#83: Jakob Haq - iOS Musician, YouTuber, Creator of haQ attaQ
#82: Let's Get Physical - Reflect and Apply
#81: Diego Stocco - Explorer of Sound