REEL SYNTHS v1: Prophet 6 Ableton Live Pack

Prophet 6 Meets Reel-to-Reel Tape
Lately, I’ve been experimenting with some recordings on my Tascam 388 8-track reel-to-reel tape machine. It seems that no matter what I record, the tape gives the sounds a special warmth and character.
I have a similar feeling about the Prophet 6 analog synthesizer by Sequential Circuits. Every time I start building patches, I’m taken away into deep new worlds of sound.
It seemed only logical that I bring the two together.

Original patches programmed on Sequential Circuits Prophet 6 analog synthesis.

Each Prophet 6 patch was recorded to the Tascam 388 8-track reel-to-reel tape machine.
30 Ableton Live Instrument Racks with Effects and Macro Controls
I spent a few nights building sounds on the Prophet 6 and recording each one to the reel-to-reel tape. I was really pleased with how the tape and its subtle hiss enveloped each sound. After recording 30 different patches, I sampled them into Ableton Live and put them into Live’s sampler.
The tape machine recordings were sampled into 30 Ableton Live Instrument Racks.
I was instantly pleased with how each patch sounded as I played them on Push. It became even more exciting as I built custom Instrument Racks and Effects. Not only did I have my Prophet 6 bathed in rich analog tape, but I also added a range of effects inside of Live, taking the sounds to whole new levels.
In total, there are 33 Macro Controls for altering the instruments to your taste. You can use Live’s analog-modeled filters, a tremolo, delay, chorus, and phaser, each of which can be customized. I also layered an additional Instrument Rack which contains a sample of the Tascam’s tape hiss. The hiss can be filtered and modulated in its own right, and mixed in with the synth sounds, It’s perfect for when you want a little extra tape love for your tracks.
Check out the video below to see and hear REEL SYNTHS v1: PROPHET 6 in action. There are also some audio demos created exclusively with these instruments (except the drums). Then download the Pack and start adding tape-kissed Prophet 6 sounds to your music!